Lincoln Castle 360-degree Digital Reconstruction

Sum awarded: £3,340

Lincoln has one of the oldest castles in England, which was founded by William the Conqueror and he consolidated his control of the country. In the roughly 950 years since, Lincoln Castle has witnessed sieges, been used as a prison, and centuries of building and rebuilding. The castle’s architecture as it can be seen today is a combination of periods.

Dr Jonathan Clark and Peter Lorimer will work together to show how Lincoln Castle would have looked in the second half of the 12th century. Many of the buildings visible at this time have since been lost or replaced, and this project will draw on archaeological, historical, and architectural sources to reimagine Lincoln Castle.

Image 1: Dave Hill, licensed CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0
Image 2: Gustavo Faraon, licensed CC-BY-NC 2.0